Kroger Marketplace coming to Hamilton Township as part of 'Hoptown Plan'
News has traveled fast that several new Economic Developments are taking place in the Township that we all know and love. Recently a journalist with The Enquirer reached out to us in relation to the latest

After years of diligent planning and negotiations, we are thrilled to announce that Kroger Market place has submitted their Zoning application. The Kroger Marketplace is one major aspect of a larger plan known as the

2021 Road Resurfacing Ratings
Please click here to see our complete and updated list for our 2021 Road Resurfacing Ratings. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Public Works Department at (513) 683-5320.

2021 Junior Police Academy
The mission of the Hamilton Township Junior Police Academy is to offer youths the opportunity to experience the methods and techniques often used in Law Enforcement. The academy will focus on key aspects of the Law