Blog Entries - 2021

Join our Team
We are currently seeking qualified individuals interested in Zoning and Economic Development employment with Hamilton Township. Please visit for a full description on these positions.

Changing the World From Your Own Backyard
Changing the World From Your Own Backyard We are living in a time marked by anxiety, turmoil, and uncertainty. This environment can cause us to shut down and despair, or it can ignite a passion for change. Making a

Gardening is for the Birds
Gardening is for the Birds! Spring is a time of awakening when the cold of winter starts getting shrugged off to make room for the warmth which accompanies new growth in the natural world. For birders, it is

Resources to Create an Eco-Focused Small Business
9 Resources to Create an Eco-Focused Small Business Loving nature and developing a lucrative business in Hamilton Township can go hand-in-hand. The secret is knowing what to do before and after you create your brand.
Hamilton Township HOA Trustee Meeting
Our Township Trustees will be hosting a non-legislative Trustee meeting on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 6:30pm, to provide detailed updates from each department and open the floor to a Q&A session with your